Digital Tools for Bariatric Patients: Rich Data & Better Communication

Your patients do not tell you everything, which may hurt both treatment outcomes and your bottom line. This article explains how digital tools for bariatric patients help bridge the information gap, deliver better care, and boost your ROI.        Consider this: Despite overwhelming empirical support for the effectiveness of bariatric surgery, patients continue to underutilize it. […]

5 Digital Tools Delivering Bariatric Patient Enablement

A female patient has a virtual consultation with her physician as part of a bariatric patient enablement initiative

Are you looking for ways to better enable the bariatric patient journey?  You have come to the right place. This guide lays out five digital tools that can increase bariatric patient enablement before and after surgery, improve health outcomes, save time and resources, cut back on costs, and boost your revenue. Modern technologies hold more […]

Digital Solutions for Patient-Focused Healthcare

Man using a smartphone app to monitor glucose readings as an example of digital solutions for patient-focused healthcare

Emerging technologies in healthcare are changing the practice of medicine, and it can be difficult to stay current. As patients become more proficient in using digital devices, they have more opportunities to participate in their care. This means providers must consider the patient’s experience at every stage in the continuum of care.  Read on to […]